Dr Muck’s Blog 29th Nov 2009

There’s no denying it. Frances de la Tour is really a very handsome woman.

I’m just chilling on the sofa, after another mad old skool session in the studio tonight, and musing over my celebrity stalkee list. So far, amongst others, I’ve got that Julia Bradbury off Railway Walks- the one who looks so wholesome, but never fails to wear tops that show off her (always) erect nipples. Nadine Bagot’s on the list of course, and now, with Rising Damp playing softly on the telly, I think Miss Jones is a worthy, and long overdue additon to the coveted list. Coveted of course being the perfect word for a list of stalkees…

I can see what Rigsby saw in her. Her fine equine features, and the air of a lady, while all the time seeming rather unstable. Or should that be “in stable”? Her feminine vulnerability, deeply repressed nymphomania and huge insecurity issues are a winning combination in my book, and for want of a better phrase, a sure thing.

I’m slightly unsure about just how old she is now though. Rising Damp was made an awfully long time ago, and it would be pretty gutting to finally get round to “doing” my list, only to find she looks like roadkill these days.

Just googled her, and I’m glad to report that she is, albeit in a slightly skeletal way, still a handsome woman. Frances, you’re on the list.


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