Dr Muck’s Blog 28th Dec 2009

Another Christmas over, another couple of stone in the fat bank. I’ve been royally fed and watered over the last few days. Mrs Muck gave me a good nosh up on Christmas day, and later on we settled down to eat a lovely dinner that she had cooked while I was in the studio doing the Roast show. I have to be honest, I wasn’t expecting such good listener figures on Christmas afternoon. Respect to all of you who tuned in! 

Then yesterday, we went up to Mama and Papa Muck’s. All the family were there. Miss Mucky Pup was on top form, but Uncle Jamal drank too much as usual and was sent back to the camel farm with his tail between his legs. Well, if he had kept it there in the first place instead of waving it around at the dinner table, he would have been able to stay later than 4pm for the first time since 1994. There was very nearly a nasty incident when Nana Muck leaned over to take another sausage with her fork, and Mama Muck was still muttering late into the evening that she should have jabbed at it harder. Poor Jamal, social etiquette isn’t his strong point. Sometimes, after too many drinks he is back in his home village, deep in bandit country, high in the Chagai Hills. There isn’t much etiquette there. Or women. Hence it being bandit country.


Just in case I don’t get a chance with all the parties and openings (oo er) that I have to attend in the next few days, I would like to wish all of you a very happy new year and a healthy and very Mucky 2010. Peace to all of you from everyone at Muck FM.



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