Grim’s Pow Wow 8th May 2010

Grim made a spontaneous, storming, superb, slap-me-round-my-chops-I-can’t-believe-how-mucky-this-is debut, playing old skool house, piano anthems, and tunes that will take you back…way back to the summer of love. So don your kaftan, roll a fat one, put a flower in your hair and come and sit round the fire and listen to Grim do his thing!

Please note that due to a technical problem the set is divided into two parts, the first of about an hour, and the second of nearly four hours!

1 thought on “Grim’s Pow Wow 8th May 2010

  1. exotictechnicalboy says:

    Love the last tune on this mix. How did you manage to mix for a whole 229 minutes and 11 seconds? Strong wrists my friend!

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