Dr Muck’s blog- 18th Sept 2009


Just call me Robin Williams. Because I’m a  haggard washed  up comic relegated to cross dressing roles? No. Because I have an unnaturally hairy back? Well yes, but that’s not what I’m getting at here.

It’s because I’m starring in my own personal version of Insomnia as the advance sleep deprivation starts to take a vice like grip on my brain. Hmmm on reflection maybe Al Pacino would have been a better choice to use in this example….

You see I’ve been up all night working on tonight’s  launch show and getting the studio ready for the special guests who have been invited to witness such a historic occasion. The bunting is up and the dry roasted peanuts laid out neatly in their Tupperware bowls. The Blue Nun is open and in it’s ice bucket. The technical checks done (the plugs are in the wall and switched on) and the records are neatly laid out in alphabetical order. Hooray for OCD!

Just time for a quick siesta. See you at six!


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